RTF to Word Converter

RTF to Word Converter

Product Code: TCS-DC1038

Main Features

  • Allows the user to convert RTF to Word in batches
  • The processed files have the same content as the original ones so there is no data loss
  • The original files are preserved the way they were while the converted files get saved at the user designated spot
$39.95 *License Validity Two Years


RTF to Word converter is a tool that converts multiple rtf files and folder into word files in most secure way. It does the work without doing any change in data. This RTF to Word document converter does its work without the use if internet and therefore does not uploading the files anywhere else. The processed files have the same content as that of original ones.

Rtf format files can be edited using an assortment of editing software existing in the marketplace today, but this formatting software do not have the kind of formatting options that are offered with DOC files. Therefore .DOC format files work better in comparison with other software, including those that handle printing tasks. Moreover, the encryption feature present in MS Word to secure Word files is not available with.RTF files. This software can effectively convert RTF file to Word doc to help the users in an advanced way.

RTF to Word converter completes the task of converting the files in bulk & save the processed files in a folder designated by the user while keeping the original files intact. You can also replace the current rtf file with the newly generated word files if you want. It is a very simple and easy to use tool that runs successfully. RTF to Word converter is compatible with all the versions of Windows including win 10..

Key Features

  • Allows the user to convert RTF to Word in batches
  • The processed files have the same content as the original ones so there is no data loss
  • Very useful for people who have formatting needs which require conversion
  • Does the work seamlessly at a rapid pace
  • The original files are preserved the way they were while the converted files get saved at the user designated spot
  • Has a very simple & easy to use interface
  • Is compatible with all the popular versions of Windows

How It Works

How it works :

  • First step: click on ‘Add Files’ and ‘Add Folder’ to Add RTF Files to the list.
  • Second step: Click on Convert to Doc File button.
  • Select file location to save processed file.
  • Open target folder to check the result.

System Requirements:

  • Win7/Win8/Win10/ Win XP/ Vista
  • .Net Framework v2.0

Video Tutorial


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